Joost Plattel
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
added a footer to the static page
added intro to hugo template
Fixed Caddy to host static instead of Django
Better edit form for locations
Users can now be sorted in the organization settings view
Clearing filters and sorting now works
You are now able to sort tables
Added tags to products and locations
Added tags to the editing interface of products
Implemented a better dropdown menu
fixed more mobile friendly views
Fixed styling to be static
Added a first logo and icons
First triggers and actions for Zapier
Added the deck, a basic admin interface that allows me to see an overview of the platform
improved the ui with better buttons
added tests for inventory and mutations
added tests for export functionality
added privacy policy and terms of service page
improved organization signup page
Added readme information about docker compose
A users can now leave an organization if the user is not an admin