
A Kanban board for your emails! βœ¨πŸ’Œ

Made email account profile screens look nicer! The dropdown lets you choose to see emails from the user, emails you sent to them, or emails including them (eg. cc)

Moved a lot of email filtering and mapping operations to web workers

Working on a cached threads object to massively optimize threading performance

Removed report-uri from CSP meta tag because it's not allowed there

Created a quick integration to send Sentry issues to my Telegram! 😁

Ethan Author

Nope, I don't see why you'd need it unless you have a team, or a TON of users, or a super buggy app πŸ˜…


do you use paid sentry?


Fixed a ton of bugs that I found from Sentry! It's only been a few hours and already it's uncovered so much 🀩

Fixed weird Outlook bug that caused contacts to be duplicated hundreds of thousands of times in storage πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Added an "install as app" button in Settings (and don't prompt on load unless on mobile)

Experimenting with email viewer designs, what do you think? πŸ€”πŸ€”

Removed addLabelsToEmail and removeLabelsFromEmail because there is modifyLabelsForEmail

Modify all items in thread if aggregateThreads is true in modifiers.js

Replaced v-bind: with β€˜:’ and v-on: with β€˜@β€˜ everywhere

Optimized dbActions by only opening database once and offloading setValue to web worker!