
A Kanban board for your emails! βœ¨πŸ’Œ

Tested out new frontend-only Stripe Checkout. It's reeeeallly cool but looks like it only supports credit card trials :(

Debounce storeDataObject so it only runs once per second max!!! This will improve performance hugely, since I was doing very costly operations in storeDataObject which was sometimes being called many times per second. πŸ˜…β±οΈ

Made a nice searchContacts function instead of doing it in events.js

Fixed bug that happens when the labelIds field is not present on an API object

Tweeted about action buttons https://twitter.com/Booligoosh/status/1124875647770193920

Added email action buttons!!! These can be specified in the email bodies using Gmail schema.org markup β€” https://developers.google.com/gmail/markup/

Fixed bug with shift-key-down/modifier-key-down being applied but not removed due to trigger in iframe