
A Kanban board for your emails! βœ¨πŸ’Œ

FIXED ALL JS URLS AFTER FILE RESTRUCTURE (thanks for reporting @matteing 😬)

Streamlined background image picker design by getting rid of the form and adding the "none" and "custom" options to the backgrounds grid

Added a setting to show labels on email cards!! 🏷️

Ethan Author





Added a subtle "click here to close" message so it's clear they can click outside the email viewer to close it

Disable ⌘A in general unless it’s in an input/textarea because otherwise it stuffs things up by selecting random bits of hidden text etc.

Reduced padding around edges of the interface!! So there's more room for everything 😁

Added Enter/⌘O keyboard shortcut to open selected email from board

ADDED EMAIL ARROW NAVIGATION ON BOARD!!! πŸŽ‰ twitter.com/Booligoosh/status/1111202051529175040

Fixed handling of emails with a single part that is not an attachment (I think)

Made the email viewer MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCHHHHH faster ⚑⚑

Restructured email viewer iframe communication code so it doesn't have to reload the frame when changing the contents