
A Kanban board for your emails! βœ¨πŸ’Œ

Abstracted message sending into compileMessage and getMessageDataFromComposer functions

Got app chat embed page to accept name and email query parameters so I can set them to the currently logged in user

Created kanbanmail.app/appchatembed so I can embed tawk.to in an iframe in the web app so I don't have to worry about 3rd-party JS running on the main thread

Changed /auth-process to /authorize because Google has lost its mind and wanted me to? πŸ€”

KanbanMail Guides already out on Google helping people with their questions 😁

Replace Ctrl with ⌘ in elements on Mac computers in KanbanMail Guides

Wrote guide on how to change a thread's column in KanbanMail (let's start simple πŸ˜‚) guides.kanbanmail.app/change-column