Keenen Charles
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
Display user's all time stats (likes/plays etc)
Scheduled weekly newsletter
Updated this week's winners
Wrote 200 WAD: Perspective
Wrote 200 WAD: Changing Incentives
Return correct error codes from API
Redirect to home page after unsubscribing from emails
Wrote 200 WAD: Being Productive but Patient
Scheduled weekly newsletter
Fixed accessibility and HTML issues
Fixed random horizontal scrolling
Wrote 200 WAD: Inspiration
Fixed issue with date range filters
Switched all APIs to use genre array
Improved design of page navigation buttons
Switched song genre column to an Array
Automate sending of weekly newsletter
Wrote 200 WAD: Streaming Wars
Display links to other genres on genre page
Scheduled weekly newsletter
Wrote 200 WAD: Slow Week
Shorten song title if too long on mobile
Wrote 200 WAD: Giving/Receiving Advice