Crypto Jobs List. Serial Maker.
improve language and disclaimers
abstract search engine functions
more automation on https://cryptojobslist.com
accidentally launch on twitter 😅
come up with a name for a new project
show ticket preview on landing page as an image
refactor .then() to await
sent newsletter for https://cjl.ist/subscribe
move cron jobs to agenda jobs with job locking
improve weekly newsletter layout
make submit page mobile friendly
add stats to job submit page submit.cryptojobslist.com
transition from AWS to GCP
tweet about the article https://twitter.com/ksaitor/status/1000231235107500032
publish “How I started a blockchain job board and grew it to a $4,000/month online business [as an indie maker 👨💻]”
wysiwyg editor for job descriptions
integrate mobx and firestore