Kukuh Nomikusain
Maker and Software Engineer at the same time
Improve UI of loading indicator
Improve UI of error messages
Deploy the web app to preview.setopic.com
Improve UI/UX, make Setopic web app to be more responsive
Deploy the latest web app to preview.setopic.com
Take a day off from Setopic
Take a day off from Setopic
Improve code in https://github.com/kukuhsain/noteapp-react
Improve code in https://github.com/kukuhsain/noteapp-express
Create new public repo on GitHub: https://github.com/kukuhsain/noteapp-express
Add some images into www.pencetak.id
Create logo for side project
Buy domain pencetak.id
Explore Firebase Cloud Storage
Join some telegram groups: Ramadan Makers, Maker Indonesia, and Makerlog
Create my first instagram account ever (www.instagram.com/kukuhsain)