The Social Media Publisher for Teams - Kunvenu (Esperanto: Come Together) gives you and your social marketing team the tools to schedule, post and follow up social marketing activities.
"smart" selection of post media type/link
recognize link(s) that user can choose from for preview in fb post
Start eating own food... use for fullstackjob.com posts
fix and activate production version of fb app
Pushed 3 changes to kunvenu
Pushed 9 changes to kunvenu
FB App Permission Request approved 😃
Pushed 3 changes to kunvenu
submit kunvenu permission request review to FB
billing plan check authorization middleware
Pushed 4 changes to kunvenu
Pushed 1 change to kunvenu
Add first version of privacy content
Pushed 4 changes to kunvenu
handle auth case, where refreshtoken exist, but user is !active
deployed/tested release 0.1.21
get appaccount billing and set rules for invited team member at activation for new user and at invitation for existing user
set billing object for trial in reg endpoint
fix payedPeriodSta(r)tedAt before it's to late...panic :-)
Trying to handle complexity as simple as possible (billing/trial)
Pushed 4 changes to kunvenu