
Non-technical. Making projects to learn code. Trained as an investment analyst.

Worked on python automation. Learned how to hook it up to firestore.

Completed backend connection, created admin page. Designed business model.

Finished ~30% of my 2nd project while still testing on my first! Hyper productive today.

Started new project while testing previous project for a week. Done setting up UI and Firestore.

Fixed API endpoint user token verification bug, added error page.

Worked for 3hrs 55mins on code and took a total of 30 minutes of breaks in between. That's on top of the 10-7 of office hours. Sneak peak of the first app I made to completion since I learned how to code 6 months ago. Soft launching soon! 🥳

Created logo. Further configurations to separate dev from production servers. Crash test production server.

Reviewed launch article. Spent the entire day trying to break my app.

Can't wait to launch. Funny how you never ever feel ready even though you probably are.

Fixed UI bugs, bought domain, minor polishing.

Hope everything is feeling better! And thanks.


Welcome back to the log!


Getting ready to launch. Wrote some launch articles.

Health issues + crazy work commitments made me tired as hell at the end of the day. But still, I managed to spend 2 hours a day in the morning to code it up. Anyway, launching soon and getting the launch articles ready. It's my first product since learning web development and it took me 3 weeks.

Finished code for new project. Work on CSS now.

I coded a new side hustle in 1 week (without css, just plain ugly-ass design), woohoo! Trying to ship faster, hard doing so being someone non-technical. Gotta keep grinding.

Mastered SWR for Firestore.

Nothing big, but I just learned this so I'm darn happy. SWR is magic! However, it can be costly to always use SWR calls, especially if you are reading large datasets. I think it's darn important to optimise for scale from the start. Plus, I'm building this project to learn, so why not.

Was hospitalised and took a couple of days off to focus on my health. I'm back!