Macario James
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
Download and install Twilio Quest for Mac
Research Formik as Netlify forms / Formspree alternative
Publish blog post on redirect all .php pages except /wp-admin for WordPress
Setup sub-domain for on Netlify
Publish blog post on OPRA and FOIA
Create an account on
Read a ton about browser fingerprinting
Contemplate 24 hours buying some more domain names. Trying to curtail the impulse buys
Research -- go down the rabbit hole of -- Google Lighthouse API and open source tools
Create a logo for Wikipedia User Display Contributions plugin
Research for 1-min static site deployment
Go to bed before burnout/11pm tonight
Download Chocolatey and Windows Terminal to test out web dev on Windows these days
Research SSGs + Markdown support
Start writing things down on the new whiteboard on the wall
Go through Drafts and finish and schedule 10 blog posts for the upcoming two weeks
Figure out why WP 5+ broke my plugin ...
Finalize print edition inner content order
Add deactivation + cleanup to plugin
Publish blog post on securing WordPress sites without plugins
Add filterable categories list to /blog
Make + drink ☕ to power the coding day