Personal website
Write post on continuing education to publish today
Create a subdomain used strictly for Clients' sites
Remove Jetpack; replace with Formik subscription form
Schedule blog posts for 9/9 - 9/13
Schedule blog posts for the week: SEO, Accessibility 18F (Pa11y)
Begin testing out Typora and Caret for Mac
Research Markdown editors for Mac
Submit follow-up for Nucamp position
Download and install Twilio Quest for Mac
Research Formik as Netlify forms / Formspree alternative
Publish blog post on redirect all .php pages except /wp-admin for WordPress
Setup sub-domain for on Netlify
Publish blog post on OPRA and FOIA
Create an account on
Read a ton about browser fingerprinting
Contemplate 24 hours buying some more domain names. Trying to curtail the impulse buys
Research -- go down the rabbit hole of -- Google Lighthouse API and open source tools
Go to bed before burnout/11pm tonight
Download Chocolatey and Windows Terminal to test out web dev on Windows these days
Research SSGs + Markdown support
Start writing things down on the new whiteboard on the wall
Go through Drafts and finish and schedule 10 blog posts for the upcoming two weeks