One place for all your maker needs.
Fixed error where app would crash when spotify return null tracks.
Design layout for notes section.
completed evernote authentication.
start working on evernote api.
indicate which playlist is open.
Got everthing working for spotify.
got toggle play, next track, previos track button working.
fixed glitch with audio seek while changing position.
Got local audio seek in-sync with spotify.
Sync name, album cover and artist name with player state.
create track a separate component.
create placeholder image.
completed playlist and track layout - spotify player.
Made playlist a separate component.
completed mute functionality - spotify player.
setuped volume controls - spotify player.
setuped electron-log to record frontend logs (workable solutuion for now).
Finally got spotify player to initialize but at the cost of loosing dev tools.
got widevine working with electron.
Made functionality to load third party libraries with cdn.
Started working on spotify playback.
fetch users playlists from spotify.
completed spotify player design.
Make a seek component for players.
return json as response from /token.