
Mange your Meeting Links

🟣 Send Ideas For Feedback to Ayush

Sent Ayush a full list of Ideas and Plans for the Project for Feedback

🟣 Color coding my Logs for

Decided to make a guide for me, to keep track of my work, here's what each color means

πŸ”΅ Done
🟑 In Progress/To-do
🟠 Researching Idea
🟣 Finished yet insignificant

🟑 Take some time to understand my own code πŸ˜‚

Wrote this code a while back with Kiura, so I'm bit confused how it works, it's been 4 weeks since I last touched it, so Going to over it for a bit, before i coutine.

get early work done for meetinglink

βœ…Restart and Restart The Meeting Dashboard

πŸ”΅ clone the old starter repo I made
πŸ”΅ Find out how to add time to a page, and make it automatically refresh
🟑 Work on Fixing Css, and How to show Array data, + add data

πŸš€ #makersrocket #meetinglink