
Landing pages for podcasts that convert social media audiences into listeners

Add new podcast to landing page carousel

Adding "I'm In Love With That Song!" podcast to social proof carousel

Start on Foundry mockups

- Signup and login pages
- Analytics
- Settings

Test new audio player library

Test whether new library can be integrated with existing player code, or a rewrite is needed.

Update: Yes it works!

Migrate automated reporting code to production

Upload scripts and email templates to production

Update automated reporting script

Add proper start/end dates for the Insights Report script
Faiz | Metronome Author

Not migrated to production yet!


Enable automated reporting on production

Enable automated reporting for customers and earlybird users, in their respective PLP config files

Backup production code and DB

Extract from production and store in offsite

Import skeleton code for Foundry

Foundry is the user self-service section of Metronome