Mick Vermaat
Indie-maker / Aerospace Engineer
Pushed 1 change to besttime
Pushed 6 changes to besttime
Pushed 11 changes to besttime
Pushed 28 changes to besttime
Pushed 6 changes to besttime
Pushed 3 changes to besttime
Pushed 1 change to besttime
Pushed 3 changes to besttime
added API endpoint that filters businesses on a geographic area, including how busy a place is and specific time range
Pushed 5 changes to besttime
Pushed 3 changes to besttime
bought the book Seductive Interaction Design.
Shipped: integrated a public demo directly on the landing page. It also suggests demo locations to forecast based on the users timezone to optimize the demo experience (San Fransisco, NYC, London, Singapore, Sydney)
Pushed 10 changes to besttime
Pushed 1 change to besttime
Integrated demo directly into https://besttime.app frontpage
Pushed 11 changes to besttime
Pushed 19 changes to besttime