Nihar Raote
Front-end web developer
Read about arcs and Bezier curves in SVG book
Finish cover image for Express Nuxt article
Write a social copy and opening paragraph for Express Nuxt article
Publish Express Nuxt article on personal website
Updated 404 page and added new article on Express server in Nuxtjs app
Start making a cover image for Express Nuxt article
Read 5 pages from Ogilvy on Advertising
Edit Express Nuxt article
Finish Express Nuxt article
Continue writing Express Nuxt article
Create a card whenever a link is entered. Refactor code to store multiple links
Creating a loading animation with CSS
Finish The Obstacle is the Way
Design UI for bookmark app
Learn 3 new words - 深い (deep), 高価 (expensive) and ビュッフェ (buffet)
Create a modal to get webpage URL for Puppeteer - Bookmark app
Start writing a short post on Nuxtjs and Express
Get page title from website URL using Puppeteer in Nuxtjs
Refactor CodeWars kata solution to pass all tests
Re-think bookmark app features and plan technical aspects in detail
Continue Vue 3 Udemy course
Learn 4 new words - 塩 (salt), 胡椒 (pepper), 棒つきキャンディー (lollipop) and バニラ (vanilla)
Watch a video on improving layout design