Write introductionary post on dev.to
Major iteration on design
I know I have been quiet so here is a major iteration on the design. Many elements have been entirely redesigned and is now sporting a more earthy colour palette.
Play around with the Figma design here: https://www.figma.com/proto/dl4hmXoQbMORApECrjF0Jj/Web-App?node-id=508%3A2293&viewport=-203%2C311%2C0.11423244327306747&scaling=scale-down-width
As always, feedback is very much welcomed.
Play around with the Figma design here: https://www.figma.com/proto/dl4hmXoQbMORApECrjF0Jj/Web-App?node-id=508%3A2293&viewport=-203%2C311%2C0.11423244327306747&scaling=scale-down-width
As always, feedback is very much welcomed.
Designed banner
Experiment with emotes
Experimenting with an animated logo.
Design profile settings screen
Design auth flow
Design single question screen
Design search flow
Design questions page
Design homepage
Nathaniel Blackburn
Thanks, it's always daunting showing off something you have made so to get feedback like that means I managed to do something right.
Design logo
Revise personal brand
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