Jakub Dubec

It is all about synergy and harmony with a pinch of distraction.

Launched acquisition campaign on DuckDuckGo search engine for

It's nice to see that #localazy is now getting some extra traffic from this search engine.

First startup program member at

Received first startup program application

Offer for SW houses to make friends with is ready for outreach campaign

If there is anybody who makes apps for clients or their own and would love to try out #localazy for modern multilingual development, leave me a comment ;) We are constantly seeking new dev friends who would love to share their insights and provide extra value to their users and clients. #devtool #l10n #i18n

Joined makerlog to support co-founder of Localazy in publishing

After our recent call about bits and bobs of Localazy all around, I have joined makerlog to challenge ourselves in streak as we previously did with Intermittent Fasting!


And it costed me 16kg of body mass! Yayks!

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