No CS Degree jobs
Job board for devs without degrees
tell backers on Buy Me A Coffee they can get a free copy of the Imposter Syndrome book
add sitemap to search console
sent questions to Guilherme
work on list of coding courses so I have a resources page
use @harrydry tip for asking customers their pain points in newsletter confirmation
post in r/entrepreneur about following up
follow up tons and get paid $500
add proper page to Chat group
improve email sign up
make mega thread for Ali Spittel article
Submit form for Indiehackers interview
publish interview to Tobi of Pinterest
Sell sponsored post to bootcamp for the first time
add twitter and fb cards, welp!
pitch Makers Academy sponsorship deal
get Dev with 3.5m followers to do an interview
get 2,000 Twitter followers in 3 months
Email blog subscribers with invite code to No CS Degree chat group
Send formal sales proposal to Scottish bootcamp