Dani Díez
Product guy from sunny Barcelona
Preparing interview with Ben
Call with incubation program for possible collaboration
Wrote down learnings from PMs at SaaS B2B startups
Summarized PH launch numbers
Set up Notion as my place to store everything
Started migrating nocodespace.co to table2site
Talked to a potential cofounder
Sent first newsletter to 15 subscribers
Prepare ProductHunt launch
Added Poptin to capture emails
Gathering feedback for a startup failures newsletter
Migration of to table2site
Seeking validation for a startup failures newsletter
Reached 8 subscribers to the newsletter
Promoted nocodespace.co to slack communities
Changed gallery view to grid view in job board nocodespace.co
Changed my project domain to nocodespace.co
Added a "Post a job" form
Updated the design on nocodespace.crd.co