Mundo da Podologia
the simplest way for manager podiatry clinic
Pushed 33 changes to Backend Rails
[bugfix] banner flag to subs due
[bugfix] it was working on delayed jobs
[improves] appointment list filter
[bugfix] icons medical procedures page
[improves] edition account images
[bugfix] feature to update appointment
[bugfix] hours fields and duration on mode_apt
[improves] auth view, appointments list, logout btn
[bugfix] splitted webpack config into two files
Pushed 9 changes to Frontend AngularJs
Pushed 25 changes to Backend Rails
Pushed 1 change to Frontend AngularJs
Pushed 1 change to Backend Rails
[bugfix] disabled turbolinks on the spa page
Pushed 1 change to Frontend AngularJs
Pushed 4 changes to Backend Rails
create webhook for update subscriptions invoices
finalize subscription job
normalize errors messages that arrive from api server
[feature] it defines .js.gz to assets files