Joel Patrizio

Co-Founder GoalsWon (accountability coaching app)

Finish releasing on reddit

It's going much better than expected, almost 1000 new users so far πŸ₯³

Solve new bug and release an emergency update

Well, it happened. A major bug discovered on first launch day haha
Should be solved now!

Start app release on reddit

It's already going better than expected! πŸŽ‰

Prepare screenshots for Product Hunt release

Lukas Hermann

Ping me on Twitter if you need an upvote on launch day πŸ˜‰

Lukas Hermann

These are great! Makes it very clear what your product does


Change app logo

Lesson learned: do not use Apple emoji as your app's icon πŸ˜…

Pass the exam!

Finally, now let's back to normal routine!
Joel Patrizio Author

Thanks @lori ! 😊