The service for creating simple user tests of design layouts for free.
Move test number and test url to summary
Hide block with test mode
Rewrite and improve all old code of areas.js
Delete the area after doubleclick on it
Start improving the code for areas of success clicks
Calculate success rate for test clicks without page reloading for new areas
Calculate success rate for test clicks
Drawing areas of success clicks
Loading areas for success clicks from DB
Saving areas for success clicks in DB
Make the cursor tip for areas with success clicks
Make the layer for areas with success clicks
Planning submit form with adding tasks
Create DB for the results
Create DB for the success areas
Some improvements for the clicks map
Some improvements for the test creating form
Add the image for og: and twitter:
Layout and JS for sharing banner
Add clicks map to new results page
Add twitter: meta tags for sharing
Add og: meta tags for sharing