
Playground for tests

profile background image

working on uploading and displaying profile background image

Issue reporting modal

Users/visitors can easily report issues inspired by #makerlog

remove unused packages & integrate mdx

removing unused packages that have been installed for a long time. Also, start using mdx & @next/mdx for static pages such as privacy,about us, terms etc.

revert back to pre-preact

some issues occurred in non-development environment. SIte hung up after infinite loading

fix issues related to returning modified tiers from db to client

return only tiers that have not been "deleted"

Pushed 1 change to palago-site

Slight delay cos i had stuffs going on but i finished taking screenshots and recorded videos to convert to gifs then posted them on the landing page

Refactoring api file/image uploads

New file/image uploads through the api will be structured.
new format: /uploads/{type}/{date}/{user}/{filename}_${hash}/{file_extension}
old format: /{hash}.{file_extension}