look for a way to collect payments on internet without incorporating
Paddle seems the way to go
Refactoring my old startup code
every monday meeting
do a basic layout
Set up makerlog and twitter for
Buy a domain for a side project
Move some jira incidents
buy some stuff for the laptop
new features deployment at
Long work meeting
Monday meeting
Get some code done for a new idea
listen an awesome podcast
Actually this help me to understand more about Atomic Habits by James Clear
Last meeting of this week
Meeting at
testing laravel 8: do a basic admin
advance something of my work sprint
I've been fooling around all day
Testing laravel 8 and twitting more
Now I'm building something in public at twitter
advance my first blog
start using twitter more
closing the sprint on Jira
find an open source project to convert mp4 to gif
ctrl + v to upload images from clipboard
add ctrl + v to insert images into the chat
drag and drop with browser images
I got the url and I can parse at the client side, but I need the server processing to save images