
Contemporary Art Magazine focused on the first years of a contemporary artist's artistic career.

Paywall research

I first thought of creating a seperate section for a premium version of Paraffin but I thi k just building a paywall with a limit of free accessible articles a month is a better idea then building something that could be difficult to create. Thos means I have to redraft a few things and see what are my options in wordpress to make this more effective for myself and the website

Finish pitch video editing

I could have done a better. I was nervous and 100% out of practice. Maybe with a little more time I could have rocked it, but I answered everything I had to and hopefully it'll leave them wanting to learn more 🫑

Record my parts of pitch

I had to edit the script down, I honeslty forgot how short a 3-minute pitch was. It doesn't do it justice but I did what I had to, What's the problem, What we do, Our team, and how we would benefit from the startup program

Finish document

I called Paraffin's Everything You Need To Know. A hefty 34 pages 🫑

Work on document

Almost finished, I think this monster is impressive πŸ˜…

I just need my friend to send in her part and its done!

Work on document

I just have to add the team section and what my goals are and this part will be done