Piem Chaps π₯
Only great experiences matter
Added a Owned/Dreamed filter on projects cars in
Tweeted a loooong thread about one year of side project π https://twitter.com/PiemGChaps/status/1192114951395168257
Set up the password change process
Create a "All garages" page with all garages from members on
Create a modal for changing settings in profile: email, country and password
Created a form for uploading a banner picture in garage
Created a form for uploading a profile picture in garage
Add a margin on top of the Β« add a project Β» button on mobile
Fix the redirection to my garage when visiting another member garage
Set the EC home logo 7px more on mobile
Set the top red larger header same height as profile card
Add a margin left and right to the garage
Set the opening Information modal rule for 5 first connexions
Set the information modal open button on header in every pages when connected
Create an information modal to act as a tutorial
Tweeted about model quotation representation on mobile and received great answers and advices from friends π€© https://twitter.com/piemgchaps/status/1184737732003803138?s=21
Add ads from voitures-americaines.com
Tweeted about weekend progress on https://twitter.com/piemgchaps/status/1183487417753448448?s=21
Redesigned the project page on connected mode
Redesigned the profile on connected mode
Redesigned the homepage in connected mode
Modify profile content form
Posted my last survey : https://twitter.com/piemgchaps/status/1182939788774641664?s=21
Create a new password page