Feature Monkey

A new way to collect and manage features and feedbacks - Made using NO CODE and AI

add more features and update landing page https://www.featuremonkey.com/

UX improvements https://twitter.com/gauthamzzz/status/1266712086102581248

Made site 10x faster with turbolinks https://twitter.com/gauthamzzz/status/1265160789805142021

Started writing help docs https://www.notion.so/271d94b4eebe48d7b4db6b1c8ece9b9c?v=650545f4401442bcacbe64980a112f22

Shipped Feature Monkey on HN https://news.ycombinator.com/shownew

add sign in to workspace based on user request https://www.featuremonkey.com/organisation-login/

Gave an interview about product https://www.nocodefounders.com/interviews/feature-monkey

PH makers festival voting is open https://www.producthunt.com/makers-festival-2019/voting in tools for teams

Add rate app using coda https://twitter.com/gauthamzzz/status/1111596950439243776

add about page https://coda.io/d/Feature-Monkey_dY8ktqIBs6P/_su97c

create gif logo

Gautham Author

im not very sure, if you dont think its good tell me


tweet about feature monkey ๐Ÿ™ˆ https://twitter.com/gauthamzzz/status/1108882733009461248