- organised onboarding with WelcomeAI
create individual screen
create contacts screen
James Berry
- first v2 user interview lined up
redeem $10k DO credit
redeem $5k stripe fees
redeem sus aws $3k credit
- engineering trello setup
- submitted startup school update
- started ycombinator sus
- ui create contact list stubs
- progressing with new ui
- setup Trello as super lightweight crm
- assess crm options
- look into potential wave accounting to starling bank integration
- follow-up with mubin
- client ui updates
- starling linked with xero
- registered for ycombinator ss
- cognito discovery session
- assessing aws cognito
- ui routing and templates (forgetting to sleep 😆)
- first income into business bank
James Berry
Whoops, that's misleading. Not first income, first money to pay from Stripe into my business account 😅 Thanks though!