43. Multiply Strings
260. Single Number III
441. Arranging Coins
Candidate interview
1. List to tree then sum of only left nodes.
2. Sentiment analysis of hotel reviews.
3. Image Classifier question
2. Sentiment analysis of hotel reviews.
3. Image Classifier question
129. Sum root to leaf node
980. Unique Paths III
Visualization: https://pythontutor.com/visualize.html#mode=edit
Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsnTEtiN8T8
Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsnTEtiN8T8
130. Surrounded Regions
Given an m x n matrix board containing 'X' and 'O', capture all regions that are 4-directionally surrounded by 'X'. [Had to check solution, try again later]
Buffer day to clear all pending tasks
- Finish incomplete articles
- Revise
- Revise
My first data science mentorship
How would you show the user "the best value for money" hotels? How would you evaluate your solution? what features would you select to explain the "value"? What are the assumption of a linear regression model? What would you do if the relation between outcome and features is not linear? How do you validate the model you built? Design and describe an experiment to confirm that the method you developed is a good one.
just don't go on an all-out price war, because it will only drive businesses into the ground.
Complete kaggle baseline
using Logistic
Complete modeling part of FB engagement quesition
apply 1
Last date November 10
Read and summarize ML in prod booking.com
Read: https://booking.ai/https-booking-ai-machine-learning-production-3ee8fe943c70
My summary:
🛐 One of the Core ideas of booking.com: "Diversity gives us strength".
RS, the Machine Learning Productionization System
1. Consistency
2. High availability
3. Low latency
4. Scalability
5. Observability
6. Reusability
👨👨👦👦 The fantastic four approach
▴ Lookup tables:
▴ Generalized Linear Models (GLMs)
▴ Native libraries
▴ Scripted models
My summary:
🛐 One of the Core ideas of booking.com: "Diversity gives us strength".
RS, the Machine Learning Productionization System
1. Consistency
2. High availability
3. Low latency
4. Scalability
5. Observability
6. Reusability
👨👨👦👦 The fantastic four approach
▴ Lookup tables:
▴ Generalized Linear Models (GLMs)
▴ Native libraries
▴ Scripted models
Where should I post such summaries? Can anyone suggest me a good platform?
learn 5/60