The QUIQQER ERP module bundles all QUIQQER modules which you need for a
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system.
It is your central point to successfully realize your project.
The ERP system transforms QUIQQER into a fully-fledged e-commerce shop or into your invoice management.
Start your e-business now.
fix: quiqqer/payment-paypal
fix: keep address attributes
fix: customer -> keep invoice address
feat: Price factor update -> via console tool; show warning if not enough exec time; example in description
feat: Price factor update -> via console tool; show warning if not enough exec time; example in description
fix: missing translations and settings.xml variable quiqqer/employee
fix: missing translations and settings.xml variable quiqqer/employee
refactor: container for sum table
refactor: spans at sum table
refactor: spans at sum table
refactor: allow price factors for default price field
refactor: allow price factors for default price field
refactor: feat: erp mail settings
style: PurchasingProcess template
style: PurchasingProcess template
refactor: sprach variables -> mail text -> better GUI
refactor: sprach variables -> mail text -> better GUI
refactor: sprach variables -> mail text -> better GUI
feat: price field factors -> update on save setting quiqqer/products