The QUIQQER ERP module bundles all QUIQQER modules which you need for a ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. It is your central point to successfully realize your project. The ERP system transforms QUIQQER into a fully-fledged e-commerce shop or into your invoice management. Start your e-business now.

refactor: Invoice->getOutputType() -> correctly identify cancellation invoices

fix: do not reset search settings after each setup quiqqer/productsearch

fix: do not reset search settings after each setup quiqqer/productsearch

fix: fallback in case where product URL path encounters inactive sites quiqqer/products

fix: fallback in case where product URL path encounters inactive sites quiqqer/products

refactor: removed unnecessary class pcsg/kunden/bow-modellhandel-template

refactor: removed unnecessary class pcsg/kunden/bow-modellhandel-template

fix: quiqqer/products - Bei Produktübersicht wird Falsches Template geladen - Child Template

fix: quiqqer/products - Bei Produktübersicht wird Falsches Template geladen - Child Template