The QUIQQER ERP module bundles all QUIQQER modules which you need for a
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system.
It is your central point to successfully realize your project.
The ERP system transforms QUIQQER into a fully-fledged e-commerce shop or into your invoice management.
Start your e-business now.
fix: only consider vat === null, 0 is allowed
refactor: onQuiqqerOrderDelete parameter now includes order hash
Merge branch 'dev' of https://dev.quiqqer.com/quiqqer/order into dev
refactor: ->isApproved() now checks if ->isApproved() instead of ->isPaid()
refactor: order recalc at a order only recalc the articles
refactor_ article recalc consider percent pricefactors
feat: Payment->isApproved()
feat: Payment->isApproved()
fix: pricefactor interface -> consider value
feat: separate order mail addresses are configurable
feat: separate order mail addresses are configurable
fix: getOrderInformationText as interface method
fix: getOrderInformationText as interface method
refactor: pcsg/kunden/froilein-adrett-template
refactor: pcsg/kunden/froilein-adrett-template
refactor: pcsg/kunden/froilein-adrett-template
refactor: order details -> td -> align top
refactor: feat: price factors are deletable now
refactor: feat: price factors are deletable now
refactor: order details -> td -> align top