Software engineer - maker of things
:pencil: added the blog tutorials link in the dropdown user menu
:sparkles: added the ability to go to the owned team settings from the navbar at all times
Pushed 10 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bug: fixed visual bug when date ranges are not displayed correctly
:bug: making sure the chart data is parsed again when changing the date range
:bug: fix date filtering when the date is a timestamp
Pushed 4 changes to chartbrew-marketing
:lipstick: adjusted KPI padding for line charts
:lipstick: adjusted the padding for the chart embedding
Pushed 3 changes to chartbrew-marketing
Pushed 6 changes to chartbrew-cloud
time to take some time off!
:mute: removed cheeky log
Pushed 5 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bug: fixed issue with embedded charts not showing properly
Pushed 18 changes to chartbrew-marketing
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge PR from matthosch/master
Refactor VerifyUser to use react-hooks
Moved props deconstruction to top of function
Refactor VerifyUser to use react-hooks
Pushed 3 changes to chartbrew-marketing
Pushed 10 changes to chartbrew-marketing
:lipstick: changed the Authorization text to Authentication
started sending automated "trial ran out" emails
Pushed 8 changes to chartbrew-cloud