
Software engineer - maker of things

:sparkles: added the data labels function for bar and line charts

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'add-labels-on-chart' of github.com:kotchaniphapk/chartbrew into feat/chart-labels

:ambulance: removed the encoding for the live chart requests too

:ambulance: removed extra encoding process that blocks requests with already encoded characters

:lipstick: improved the design of the host site input in the API builder

:sparkles: added support for visualizing key-value object data with no need for arrays

:construction: modified the field finder to include root-level objects for key-value viz

:sparkles: added support for visualizing key-value object data with no need for arrays

:bug: fixed full page refresh when clicking on the new chart button

:construction: modified the field finder to include root-level objects for key-value viz

:lipstick: changed the look of all the dropdowns to make them more visible with border