Rubik's Robot

[HOBBY PROJECT] A robot that can solve a Rubik's Cube!

Created a Cube.getFaceIdFromLetter function to use in the executeAlgorithmFromString method

Added a Cube.executeAlgorithmFromString function which takes in algorithm notation (eg. "F F' U R2 U' D2") and executes it as turn commands

Tested my code so far by trying a bunch of moves and comparing it to doing them a real Rubik's cube!

Decided that face IDs will be based on their center piece's color (the centers never move)

Made a Face.turn method!!! It takes in a direction (CLOCKWISE or COUNTER_CLOCKWISE) as an argument

Decided that the 'top' of each face will be the face with a center piece of n+1 where n is the center piece of the original face

Created CornerPiece, EdgePiece and CenterPiece classes which extend the Piece class