
A description language for describing Statecharts or StateMachine that later can be used to generate code or just transpile it into another format.

Disable globstar to support bash 3.1 ⚠️ Azure pipelines still use Bash 3.1 instead of 5/4 😞

Add unit tests for the new syntax ⚠️ * fix * remove `>->State` as a syntax for self-transition

Add color and notes for semantic-error in graph * Core parser support manual semantic-check * Red for node + vertex and notes beside vertex * Automatic check when output as ascii or boxart * Fine tune the regex of (smcat -T dot | graph-easy)

Add --format graph and tweak error prompt * Separate --as between --format smcat and graph * Tweak error prompt color * Special error handle when is directory

Add initial implementation hook to other cli ⚠️ * hooked to `smcat` automatically if --as non-json * hooked to `graph-easy` automatically if --as ascii or boxart but via smcat which outputed --as dot * not implemented in REPL command yet ⚠️

Install riot.im and create a new community with bunch of rooms in matrix.org

Add shortcut syntax for self transition 🔁 ->> Self @ Loop >-> Self @ Loop

Add initial implementation for smcat transpiler ⚠️ No support for REPL and stream parsing yet!