Sergey Sova
React engineer, Podcaster, Rustocean
dev: deploy 2020-02-21T16:20:32.559Z
github(dev): try to rebuild db secrets
github(dev): remove checkout
github(dev): remove echo password
dev: fix alias for network
github(dev): deploy on change entry and ssi
fix(nginx): redirect to https
github(dev): test passing envs
github(PRODUCTION): create from dev
github(dev): use docker username
github(dev): move username to secret
github(dev): rebuild on change workflow, rename
github(dev): rename build to deploy
github(dev): complete ssh script to deploy
dev: set new host and cert path
Also, add simple instruction to set up a new instance
github: update dev deploy I had a cup of tea and now it's fixed
update(application-structure): add featureslices shield