Added a site locales sql table and started loading sites from database by client locale and then falling back to site default locale.
Started carving out the user profile.
Connected the signin form and session to the user account.
feature: user table, sql, Interface and store
feature: alert store and global middleware to reset the store
Completed most of the signin => logout flow.
Created a custom fetch composable (wrapper) for useFetch named useFletch.
Re-used the same Yup object schema for validating server and client input.
Discovered the correct way to throw and handle fetch errors in Nuxt 3.
feature: Nuxt form validation composable using Yup schema builder.
feature: signin page UI with optional background image
Started building UI components for the signin page/forms.
feature: server not found page
Getting Nuxt 3 to load sites from database with custom hostnames on the edge.
refactor: sql to pinia data transformer
Updated the transformer to make it more generic and re-usable. The transformer takes database rows and converts their column name aliases back to original name and normalizes the structure. See:
user: {
1234: {... }, // ids as keys
46473: { name: 'Tom', topics: [345, 3456] } // keep only ids of nested items.
user: {
1234: {... }, // ids as keys
46473: { name: 'Tom', topics: [345, 3456] } // keep only ids of nested items.