A longevity-based habit tracker that helps you make incremental improvements to your health.
Scheduled this weeks social media
Wrote some new blog posts and fixed some errors on the Notion doc
new blogpost:
Port information back to the old Notion so everything works :)
Apply for a business bank account
Started working on freebie for july
Publish new shanah blog post
Make new social media content
Start working on fixes to How it Works page
Reworking process of social media/blog scheduling
fixed 404 page on
Schedule social media for next week
Fixed up intro email for subscribers
Experimenting with alternate social media banner
new blog post released on
Imported our infographics into the Newsletter Subscriber freebies
Submitted this biweek's shanah newsletter
Submitted LLC application to Stripe Atlas!
Scheduled social media for this week
Rewrite backlog blog headlines with >=70 Headline score
Work on fixing mobile view of site
New blog post: