
Fun, social games with friends in real life

Scheduled to launch on ProductHunt


Made nav buttons more prominent in the header

They were hidden behind a drawer menu, so now for desktop they are visible in the header!

Add a footer to the index page for

Benefits: Easy navigation, better SEO hopefully.

Added new section "thoughts" to

Think of it has funny/dumb interesting thoughts :)

Added a way for users to edit/report games

For example for spelling mistakes or ideas to improve the understanding of the game.

Added an info component to attribute games to their creators

Landing page technically done for


Compiled a spreadsheet manually with all the data I need for

tech stack decided!

Hosting: Firebase
Database: Firebase
Frontend/Backend: NextJS
Design library: Grommet

Starting a new project:

Hint: Think social games/fun with friends in real life!

Domain bought! sociallotion.com
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