Peter Thaleikis
Indie Hacker regularly dropping his streak!
beta: matching pricing page features with the actual limitations of the beta
beta: updating paid plan limitations before launching beta
preparing campaign for the launch of v2 πΊ
fixing suggestions layout of checkboxes
fixing messy checkbox list of channels
feedback: cookies to avoid annoying people with support requests
feedback: switch twitter card type to bigger one
feedback: reworking the CTA texts and timing
feedback: reworking CTA popup
consider: mailchimp newsletter
beta testing: getting beta v2 ready
implementing feature limitations for paid plans
implement popup to suggest checking the plans
beta feedback: reworking nav to make login/register and pricing more popular
beta feedback: in prod mode the bootstrap popups aren't working π
bug: no active group while using archive functions
beta feedback: turning function-icons into small buttons
beta feedback: renaming "archive" to "watch list"
beta feedback: logout doesn't work
talking to potential beta testers
making final decisions on last sites to support
beta feedback: increase session time