A free speaker timer that runs entirely in the browser. Any internet device can use it.
Sent out product update email to my 35 subscribers 💪
Fixed firebase function for prod environment
Pushed 18 changes to stagetimer
Just published my first ever paid subscription for a SaaS app
Pushed 140 changes to stagetimer
Pushed 3 changes to stagetimer
Pushed 2 changes to stagetimer
Testing the app thoroughly on a staging env
Pushed 14 changes to stagetimer
Prevent to fall asleep when in fullscreen mode
Pushed 6 changes to stagetimer
Staging environment works!
Pushed 5 changes to stagetimer
Prepare staging environment
Pushed 5 changes to stagetimer
Almost ready for the big release
Pushed 9 changes to stagetimer
Pushed 4 changes to stagetimer
Added progress bar indicator for async loaded routes
Added privacy policy, terms of service and cookie policy
Pushed 6 changes to stagetimer
Making interesting connections due to my work with