Steven Selcuk

Web & Mobile Developer / Aviation Consultant / Filmmaker

UX: Alert messages more UX friendly

Moving from antd to NextUI

- Still missing some form fields but 😑🤔

Done: Amazon SES config. Tested. Functional

For two weeks I am working on a project. I needed an SMTP service* for transactional emails & notifications and started to try all mailing services.

- Sendgrid : Rude & not developer-friendly & expensive
- Mailersend : Rejects automatically. No way to communicate.

Both banned my account instantly when I ask for help.

Final thoughts

Use Amazon SES 😄. Today I asked for 1.000 emails/day without sandboxing. They immediately removed the sandbox and give a 50K limit. And now it's ready for production.


*By the way, for years (over 10) I run my own mail server and do mailings on my server. First time I am using 3rd party service. I hate it instantly.

Created a boilerplate: SwiftUI ready menubar app boilerplate

- Based on NSPopover
- SwiftUI ready
- Right-click NSMenu
- About page

Finally: Deployed forem to DO for

- Need sum configs like SMTP etc. but FUNCTIONAL! 🎉🙏🏻

Created: Custom context menu right click on honeycomb cell / hive member element

- Hook created
- Simple styling created
- Functional tests done

Created: An special indication for emergency procedures

TIL: Creating patterns with UIColor