Content Elements & Content Editor - Splitted styling into more css files to be able to prevent style overlapping in the content editor - Created contenteditor.js , this file will cover all main functionalities for the content editor. - Added page rendering inside content editor - Created content editor menu with page selector - Added excludeAllOtherScripts and excludeAllOtherSheets support for page data files for backend pages - Added ContentType class which will be the base for all Content Element Types - Added some standard text content types (only backend side, frontend editing side is not coded yet) - Added FrontendPage->getDescription() function - Added global content elements - Added page scope content elements - Expanded the Utils::checkRequired function to support checkEmpty - Fixed get-pages api endpoint bug where an php error will be shown because of the if statement on the beginning of the file - Added get-website api endpoint which will return the HTML code of the website for a certain page - Added save-content-element api endpoint which will give you the ability to save content elements (not tested yet) - Enabled php errors for the project - Expanded the \index.php file to actually show some more meta data and title things and stuff