Learned and implemented a CSS property I had never heard of before: counter-increment
So this css code, navigates through the dom to "count" how many players there are. In this case our Accordion Section Header has a class of "accordion", so it looks for that class and when it finds it, it adds some ::before content with the current item index value. Then it goes to the next one and does the same. So now my friend can add/delete/reorder players without manually updating the number every time.
This is all the code it took as well…
counter-reset: player;
counter-increment: player;
content: "#" counter(player) " ";
In my case, my friend has an accordion on his page, with like 100 sections, but he wants the header of each section to show "#1 Player Name", next one would be "#2 Player Name", etc. It's just a static Shopify site so it's all hard-coded. The problem is the order of players changes somewhat often, so if he moved player 3 down to player 50, he would have to manually update all the numbers.
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