Ideation for ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ญ

Hey Makerlog! It's Nikki, a Filipino product designer/psychology student with a new side project idea: An online knowledge base of indigenous psych concepts, instruments, and methods.

Ever since I got into UX, I've questioned how our research methods are often impersonal and mere replications of Western processes. Has my work really been user-centric or white-industrialized-user-centric? ๐Ÿค”

To address that nagging thought, I'm hoping to collate research methods rooted in Filipino thought, culture, and experience into a Notion knowledge base. Beyond libraries of paywalled journal articles, I think we need resources that are geared towards the casual psych enthusiast, or towards anyone in the Philippines hoping to conduct social science research with local frames of reference.

I'm curious to know if there are any sites, wikis, or knowledge bases you check out for psychology insights. (Some inspirations I have right now are and!)