Planning how to actually do the embeds for

Going through user UX and making some notes about technical details.
Ideally, we want our styles and behavior not to be distracted by any other CSS or JS on that page where we embed.
I don't think we want to try iframe approach at all - there are too many concerns about security, -cookies-, analytics, customizations.

Wondering how do you make that first UX flow w/out having first clients?
Alex Sorokoletov Author

Thanks, Jason, very much appreciate your input here! Are you using !important on everything?

Jason T

One way that I use to ensure my style dont crash with any of the sites style is to use

for everything. no

etc… Then I prefix something for all my class name (cl-text-center cl-flex…)) and use !important. This way, it will most likely be unique to the settings of the site. For anchor tag, i generally try to do a reset so that it will only use styles set by me. Just my two cents :)

Alex Sorokoletov Author

Good point - I mostly use divs because it's not SEO-important content. Thank you for your answer and for sharing your experience

Jason T

Hello Alex, yes i am actually. But that was my strategy 5 years ago when I have some code littered with

and stuff.. perhaps if you are using just
for everything, you might not need !important anymore. :) Go ahead and not use !important first and if you've faced issues with your customers feedback, not too late to implement !important then! The reason why I only use
is because the site might have custom CSS already set for

and and

So using Div I could fully control the entire style of the widget


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