Atomic habits The Law of least effort

- Conventional wisdom would say that motivation is the key to habit change and if you really ought to do it you would do it. However, the truth is the true motivation of hoomans 🐶 is to take the most convenient path aka the path of least resistance. 🤷🏻‍♂️

- If you observe apps on your phone you would realize that most of them are trying to do is to reduce friction from the existing process and the convenience is what keeps us going back to them. eg: Amazon for enhancing the shopping experience.

- The habits which require the most effort are the ones that get performed the least. One can make it more desirable by Priming the Environment. eg: buy healthy foods/ fruits in bulk and remove junk from your kitchen so that when you are hungry the natural step is to go for the healthy option.

"Imagine the cumulative reward you would be reaping by making dozen of these changes where your environment is designed to make your good habits easier and bad ones difficult"